Conventional, free-range & organic
Advice on the benefits and drawbacks of various types of management and husbandry systems for laying hens, chickens and turkeys.
Areas that are covered include:
- Conventional (intensive) housing, including cages for laying hens and deep litter for meat birds
- Free range, barn, and other methods of extensive housing
- Meeting organic regulations with regards to feeding, housing, and range access
- Methods of providing feed, water, shelter, appropriate temperature, humidity and ventilation for various poultry
Typical projects
Project one
Advising backyard poultry keepers in India on how to maximise hatchability and liveability within their flocks.
Project two
Investigating the health and welfare of pullets (immature hens) reared on 100% organic diets, without using synthetic amino acids, throughout rearing and once into lay.
Project three
Advising local farmers on how to implement new legislation, for example with the requirement for perches in all non-cage housing in Scotland.
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